Install Zip and Unzip in Linux

Install Zip and Unzip in Linux

Zip is a command-line utility tool used for compressing files and folders. its reduce file size and also used as a file package utility. 

zip is available in many operating systems like Unix, Linux, windows, etc and easily decompress zipped files on Linux, Windows, and even mac.

Zipped files are easy to transfer including uploading, downloading, and attaching them on email.

In this topic, we focus on how you can install the zip and unzip utilities on various Linux distributions.

For Debian-based distributions, install the zip utility by running the command.

sudo apt install zip

After installation, you can check the version of zip installed using the command.

$ zip -v

For the unzip utility, execute  command as shown.

$ sudo apt install unzip

Again, just like zip, you can check the version of the unzip utility installed by running.

$ unzip -v


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